
Monday, November 7, 2011

Cake Batter Cracker Dip

I'm not sure I've mentioned this before, but I'm a cake-batter-a-holic.  Seriously.  I love cake batter.  Its a wonder that there is ever a baked cake in my house because I eat the batter by the spoonful.  Yes, I'm a little ashamed.  Don't think less of me for my addiction.  But the first step to overcoming it is admitting it, right?  So there it is for the whole world to see.

I do have a sneaking suspicion that I'm not the only one.  Cold Stone wouldn't have come up with cake batter ice cream just for me.  Although if they did, it would be AWESOME!  Anyway, I'm always trying to find new ways to enjoy cake batter sans the salmonella risk.  (What fun is it to eat something you love if it won't love you back.)  I found this idea on Pinterest--the birthplace of all great ideas and a colossal time waster (move over Facebook).  The original site didn't really have a recipe, just guidelines, but really, its 3 ingredients.  It can't be that hard.

Let me tell you, this dip is delish!  It tastes exactly like cake batter.  I love that I can tailor it to any occasion.  My daughter, Brinlee, will be having a birthday party in February so I'll make this with a strawberry cake mix.  You can also dip a plethora of crackers and fruit.  Chocolate cake mix with strawberries.  Spice cake with apple slices.  Or you can go with just crackers.  We used animal crackers, Nilla Wafers, and graham crackers.  Whatever you do, it will be yummy!

Cake Batter Cracker Dip
Serves about 20

1 box of cake mix (any flavor)
1 1/2 cups plain or vanilla yogurt (plain yogurt will give it a tangy flavor)
2 cups cool whip
Powdered sugar to taste (I liked the tang the yogurt gave it, but mix in some powdered sugar if you like it sweeter)
Animal crackers, graham crackers, Nilla Wafers or fresh fruit

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth and creamy.  Refrigerate 1 hour or overnight.  Serve with your favorite crackers. 

**This dip actually stores really well.  I made it on Saturday and here it is, Monday morning and I'm having this for breakfast while I type!  YUM!**

Inspired by:  Lee, Me & the Girls


  1. Wow! A fun and easy sweet dip for sweet crackers! YOU are a genius. Must try for a holiday dessert buffet!


  2. Thanks Donna! It really is great. I secretly hid some in the fridge just for me! :) BTW, I enjoy your blog!

  3. We made this for the Super Bowl and LOVED it. My daughter made one with Cherry Chip and the other with Funfetti. I was partial to the Cherry Chip with graham crackers myself but the next day, I put the crackers aside and just went at it with a spoon. Yum!

  4. Mindee- I'm so glad I'm not the only one who ate this by the spoonful. It's always a huge hit wherever I take it. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I made this for a staff luncheon. It was a big hit.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  7. i have a possibly silly question -- do you make the cake batter mix (like you would to make a cake), or just use the dry batter only?

  8. Ashie--you just use the dry cake mix. Then add the other ingredients and stir will. Hope that helps!

  9. Ooo, I like this! We're so glad you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Thanks for coming and we hope you'll be back. -The Sisters

  10. Has anyone tried this with a brownie mix?

  11. Brian--I actually have a brownie mix dip recipe. I'll try it and post it this week. Your comment gives me a great excuse to do it!

  12. Can you use vanilla flavored yogurt?

  13. Anon- You can use vanilla flavored yogurt with no problems!

  14. Do you think you could freeze left over dip for a party in a couple of weeks?

    1. You know I haven't tried freezing it,but each ingredient freezes well on its own, so theoretically it should work.

  15. Thanks. That's kinda what I was thinking. I made it for a small gathering last night & it was great. When I first finished mixing it, I didn't think it had hardly any flavor, but after refrigerating for a couple of hours, it was great. Thanks again.

    1. I agree that it tastes better after it has spent some time in the fridge! I'm glad you liked it!
